What is Random Color Generator?

Our random color picker tool will help you pick any color for FREE if you’re an artist or a graphic designer interested in colors or just for fun activities. Our random hex color picker is very easy to use and gives you all the additional information on the chosen color.

How to use FREE Color Randomizer?

Our random color generator is straightforward to use if you follow a few simple steps:

That’s all you need! After pressing the Generate random colors button, you’ll get the most random color with their respective names, RGB, and HEX codes.

Benefits of Random Color Picker

Surprisingly, you can find our color randomizer helpful in many ways:

Artistic Inspiration

Inspiration is much needed when it comes to creativity. A unique way to find your creativity is to look at the random colors without a hit of knowing which one will pop up.

The randomness of colors will inspire you to look at them a different way and hopefully hit the spark of ideas inside you.

Artistic Challange

It’s more fun to challenge yourself artistically using our random color generator. For instance, generate a random color palette and use that as your primary color to incorporate them into your project.

You can execute this idea in many ways, as generating colors randomly will help you create the best art of the day!

Color Therapy

It’s incredibly relaxing to look at random colors popping up. Don’t believe us? Give it a try yourself for a few minutes! It’s incredible how relaxing it is to wander around seeing these random colors revealing themselves in the most therapeutic way possible.


How do you pick a random color?

Our random color generator tool chooses an entirely random color by using the random.math method in Python. The generated color cannot be influenced before or after the result, so its appearance can’t be controlled or manipulated in any way.

How many colors are included in the list?

Our color generator uses a database of more than 12 colors, including there shades and intensity.

What is the most random color?

There is no way to answer this question, but we believe the most randomly generated color is Red. If you think there’s a more random color than this, feel free to let us know!