What is a Text to Base64 converter?

Our FREE text to base64 converter is an easy-to-use online tool to encode your text to Base64 quickly and effectively.

The base64 encoders are generally used when you have the human-readable text and want to convert it to a base64 programming language. The base64 encoder online information remains intact without modifying during transport to get the most precise conversion possible.

Text to Base64 scheme is generally used when the user needs to store binary data to transfer over media designed to deal with texts.

This text-to-base64 scheme is designed to ensure the data remains intact without modification during transport. Effective conversion is commonly used in many applications, such as email via MIME & storing complex data in XML or JSON.

How to convert text to Base64 encoder online?

Follow the simple steps below to convert text to base64 online:

  1. Type or paste your text in the “Text” field above.
  2. Press the “Encode Text to Base64” button.
  3. Download/Copy the result from the “Base64” field.

How can I convert text to base64 from a DOC file?

It’s suggested to copy and paste the text from the doc file, but the con of doing that is you’ll lose the text format in use as you’ll get a TXT file instead of a DOC file. If this option feels convenient, paste the text in the Text field and press the convert button, and you’re done.

Benefits of using a text to Base64 converter

Safety and Security

All the processing across our servers happens through a secure SSL-encrypted connection (HTTPS). The processed files are deleted immediately when the translation is done.

The downloadable files are deleted after being processed or inactive for more than 15 minutes. We do not hold any personal information on behalf of our users and ensure all of our tools are safe, secure, and reliable across all the platforms.

Absolutely Free to Use

Our tools are completely FREE to use and do not ask for any cash or card transaction.